Monday, May 31, 2010


I love to climb. I love it outside, I love it inside, I love it on rocks or plastic or concrete or pretty much anything with friction. But bouldering has a place all its own. Bouldering is unique in that it is both extremely powerful and physically demanding. And at the same time, it is one of the most creative activities I have ever pursued. A boulderer can stand in front of a giant chunk of rock and do anything he or she wants. He has the basic pieces given him in the structure of the rock, but she can do anything imaginable with those pieces.

Last week I took a trip to Joe's Valley for some bouldering, and I learned that bouldering is more than just climbing. It is an experience. Because bouldering requires only short bursts of your time, much of a bouldering trip is not even spent bouldering. It is spent skinny dipping in a river. It is spent sitting on top of the rock you conquered, just feeling cool. It is spent chatting with the wonderful people you made the trip with.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I have found that sometimes I really just don't want to study. Starting, Teusday, I will begin to be the most studious person you know, excluding my room mates.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Something To Share

I just wanted to share this with you. This guy, is amazing, and he comes with an amazing band. Enjoy this.

Check this Video Out

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Panther Martin

Sometimes, I feel like Life is a mid forties woman who has just become totally bored with her own life. To make up for her boredom, she comes up with creative ways to toy with those of us who can't alter the universe. I think she takes especial pleasure in toying with me. Not torturing. Toying. One of her favorite tricks is to present to me something new. Usually, this something is particularly wonderful, or has the potential to be so. Life dangles this new wonderful in front of me just long enough for me to get a taste of how fantastic it really is. Then (and here's the fun part) she drops down a sign next to this new bait informing me that I can't actually have this as part of my life. I don't know why she does this, but it happens on a fairly regular basis. And by regular basis, I mean I thought of it this morning and decided to write about it. It may or may not be regular. It has happened this month though, if that means anything.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First In Your Life

I have just had a truth confirmed to me:

Improving a relationship between two people is most effectively done by building your personal relationship with God. The qualities that develop from this relationship with deity will translate into a more loving, forgiving and serving relationship.