Wednesday, February 3, 2010

In The Eye Of The Beholder

We look at life through lenses. Each lens is crafted of certain beliefs, ideas, experiences....they can be formed from anything. For many years of my life I used the lens of cynicism. Looking at life through this lens, I found myself becoming hateful and aggressive. Luckily I realized that wasn't the best way to go through life, so I changed to the lens of Taoism. Accepting things as they came, and experiencing life without fighting it, I certainly did not find myself so hateful. Neither did I find myself completely fulfilled. So, for a while I tried the lens of realism. Its a lot like the cynical lens, but without all the pessimism.

I am going to stop rambling now and get to my point. I realized the other day why I see people differently than many of my friends. I have found that when I look at people, or when I think about them, I imagine them not so much as they are, but as they would be if they were totally committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am not deluding myself into thinking these people are different than reality. I am simply trying very hard to see their potential. To see their best qualities, rather than noticing the negative. Seeing people in this light, or looking through this lens, it becomes very easy to love people. Forgiveness comes easier. Kindness is instinctive. Criticism is more sincere and less hurtful. Now, I don't mean to say that I am a perfect person, or that this is how I always see people. Or course not. I am imperfect. But more and more I find my efforts to reach perfection encourage this view more and more frequently. And I find it improves my life.

1 comment:

  1. great lense. i love those moments of peace with the world when you realize your brotherhood with everyone, and that you're all on the path together to get over whatever struggles you have. I need to remember this when I'm driving!
    Have I read you your birthday tao? we still need to switch books!
