Thursday, September 23, 2010

Let Us Be Babies!!

When is the last time you sang? I mean really sang. Just let go of everything and shouted at the top of your lungs type of singing. How about dancing. When is the last time you really let your body dance?

Dancing and singing are what I have identified as the two most natural forms of human expression. Why did I pick these two? Watch these videos:

These kids were not thinking about what people thought about them. Well, that Korean kid might have. But he didn't care how he sounded. These children were just enjoying the experience of dancing and singing, respectively. Why does that stop? I know many people who never let themselves break into song or dance. And if they do, it is very carefully controlled song or dance, calculated to make them look good to the people watching. I propose we stop caring what people think of our dancing and singing. We should be able to dance however we please. If I want to flail like a jellyfish to shameless pop music, I am going to. I will sing at the top of my lungs to songs that are waaaay to high for me, and I will not be ashamed. And I invite you all to join me. Let us designate October 1st as the day we all dance and sing however we please. Will you join me?


  1. Here here! Does this mean that there will also be a party in conjunction with the day of dancing and singing?

  2. So I didn't think I could join you, but about 20 minutes after I read this I turned on my Happy Music playlist to do my homework. All of the sudden I realized that I was dancing like a fool. Here's the song that did it:

  3. ...My comment disappeared! :(

    Basically I said that I loved the dancing baby and I'm all for it!

  4. Guess what. I do this all the time. Ask my roommates.

  5. DAN, there are several things I love about this. One, I've thought it myself. Two, that baby is Albanian, or at least the tag is in Albanian, did you know? It means "funny". Three, i just sang and danced shamelessly at two cloud cult concerts and it make me realize I want to do it more. Four, I want to play music with you and have learned four songs but never said anything because I'm embarassed around you. So maybe oct 1 we can dance and flail, and maybe sometime after that we could make music? What are you doing for conference?
    oh gosh, and that baby! Amazing

  6. Dan, I want to be more like you. Teach me. If I didn't have to leave town I would start by dancing on Oct. 1st.
