Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Dark Y and a Flashlight

Two things:

1) I seem to be addicted to tearing myself down. I realized this walking down the darker streets of Provo on what might well be a perfect summer night. I seem to do some pretty good thinking when I'm outside at night. I should make it a habit.

2) For the last week or so, I have felt perpetually like I was suffocating. (I spelled that word hearing Brian Regan say it in my head) I don't mean that metaphorically, like "I'm suffocating under the pressure to perform." I mean it like you mean it when your ex is holding a pillow over your head and you wake up screaming in your head, "OH MY GOSH I'M SUFFOCATING!!" There seems to be a non-stop feeling of not enough air in my lungs, or the air I am putting there just doesn't seem to be getting very good oxygen mileage. If any of you know any good Ghost Busters, send them my way. I may have work for them.


  1. I love love love late night walks! They're my obsession lately. But usually I like to go around midnight or so. I'm sorry that you feel like you are suffocating. I wish I could help with that.

  2. This is concerning indeed. What can I do for you dearest? Te quiero.
